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由民間設計師們發起的台灣設計師週,今年邁入第5年。大會主題為「WISH - a view for the future / 新願‧設計」,9/16~9/25為期10天的展期,可於華山主展館一次看盡14 個由台灣設計師群組成的設計「主題聯展」(Theme Zone),欣賞超過350位設計師、超過300件以上的最新設計創作,並可於「設計產業形象展」(3X3 Design Show),與近50個國內外設計品牌分享與交流,有來自美國、瑞典、德國、日本的設計品牌、團體與設計師們的最新設計作品。另外還有向全國民眾開放徵件的「星勢力徵選展」(Rising Star)可看到更多來全國各地的創新設計。周末期間還可以逛逛「設計師市集」(Design Bazaar),親自發掘更多具手感的好設計。除了精彩的展覽外,設計論壇(Let’s Talk Design)及設計工作營(Design Workshop),讓更多的民眾可以參與。此外,藉由2011台灣設計師週導覽手冊,串連城市中許多美好角落,在整個大台北地區「逛設計」(Go Design)、「設計串聯」(Design Links)、並「設計開放日」(Open House) ,探訪各設計公司等3大聯外活動,一同發掘台北生活的設計氛圍。

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我也有了噗浪 和 facebook,感覺又是各有優點,

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Happy New Year

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台灣 出生
台灣 師範大學附屬高級中學

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呼 今天終於可以上網

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test test

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試用HP iPAQ連無線網路,手寫輸入,還不賴唷:〉

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  • Jan 17 Tue 2006 02:56
  • :)

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"I know you see through my eye.
 I know you are always in my mind.

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Toshiba is on the verge of making fuel cell-powered digital media players a reality. The company announced Friday the arrival of two methanol fuel cell prototypes being tested with both a flash memory audio player and an HDD-based player. The prototypes are expected to deliver both 35 hours of play on one 3.5 ml fueling and 60 hours on a 10 ml fueling. This one’s probably a way off, so don’t get too excited just yet. [via productdose]


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It’s always good to see technology employed to benefit us power users, usually in the form of some sick converged device, but it’s even better when advances in tech are used to make life easier for the disabled or less-fortunate. One designer, Warren Goodland (a British masters candidate in Design Research for Disability), has noticed the difficulty that seniors often have in operating a telephone, mostly due to a diminished capacity for abstract thinking. His solution: a system where photographs of the user’s regular contacts are placed in a special peripheral attached to the phone; touching either the photo or the holder dials the desired number. This invention sounds truly promising, although we know more than a few people who are trying to make it harder, not easier, for their elderly relatives to ring them up.
[Via textually.org]

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This little hamster is named Elvis and he is just like any other little hamster. At night when everyone else goes to sleep, Elvis is getting up to run his wheel. Little does Elvis know that every loop of the wheel he is giving out electricity that will help charge a cell phone for tomorrow's use.

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